【數碼港創業學會年度大會 構建年輕創業家發展基地】
Cyberport Startup Alumni Association Annual General Meeting
由數碼港畢業初創共同組成,數碼港全力支持的「數碼港創業學會」(Cyberport Startup Alumni Association, CSAA)旨在匯集志同道合的數碼科技專才,為年輕創業家建立溝通平台及與創新以及領先科技樞紐保持緊密聯繫。
Fully Supported by Cyberport, the launch of Cyberport Startup Alumni Association (CSAA) promises to draw like-minded ICT talents together, offering them the opportunities to network and maintain links to the digital hub.
The Annual General Meeting of Cyberport Startup Alumni Association (CSAA) was held online on 15 March 2021 (Monday). CEO of Cyberport, Mr. Peter Yan has delivered an opening speech during the meeting to kick start the event. Mr. Yan shared what Cyberport did to the benefit of the CSAA community in the past year, and believe the community can expect more from Cyberport’s strong networks in order to generate more opportunities in particular in the fast-growing Greater Bay Area.
Amidst the challenges resulted from the pandemic, CSAA has gathered the strength of many alumni and initiated the Braving the Epidemic Campaign which resulted in great acclaim and empowered cross-sector collaboration and adoption of CSR while generating multiple business opportunities.
Cyberport will continue to work closely with CSAA to facilitate the development of Cyberport companies.
(top row from left to right) Peter Yan, CEO ; Derrick Ngan, Co-President; Viola Lam, Co-President; Michael Lo, VP; Eric Chan, CPMO; Alice So, Head of Entrepreneurship
(2nd row from left to right) Carl Ng, VP; Rex Ma, VP; Raymond Yeung, VP; Agnes Leung, Entrepreneurship Manager