“What is Ad Monetization and How to Integrate it Into Your Game?”
Caption: (from left to right: Mr Gabriel Pang, Chairman of Hong Kong Digital Entertainment Association and Edward Li, Founder & CEO of Twitchy Finger, and Mr Jeremy Lam - CEO & Co-Founder, Pixio Ltd ) Cyberport Startup Alumni Association (CSAA) held a session to share on how to optimize Ad Monetization in mobile gaming.
In the two-day forum, Cyberport Startup Alumni Association (CSAA) held a session themed “What is Ad Monetization and How to Integrate it Into Your Game?”. The session was moderated by Mr Gabriel Pang, Chairman of Hong Kong Digital Entertainment Association, with founders of two home-grown mobile game developer, Edward Li of Twitchy Finger and Jeremy Lam of Pixio as panellists. The two CSAA members shared insights on Ad Monetization strategies, how it differs in format among countries and most importantly, experience in how to generate a sustainable revenue for mobile and online games through the tools.