The Cyberport Startup Alumni Association (CSAA) is supporting the Government’s efforts to enhance COVID-19 testing to cover inbound travellers arriving from overseas in its fight against the COVID-19 epidemic. Starting today, two member companies, GOGOVAN and Pickupp, will be providing door-to-door COVID-19 testing specimen collection services for inbound travellers under compulsory quarantine and will deliver their deep throat saliva specimens to designated clinics under the Department of Health or the Public Health Laboratory Centre. This will help ensure early identification of confirmed cases and minimise the risk of community transmission. With the help of technology, CSAA hopes to provide a convenient alternative for them to overcome current challenges and brave the epidemic together.
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常見問題 FAQ
- 樣本什麼時間到達檢測中心及何時有結果?
樣本會在收貨當日送抵檢測中心,測試結果一般會在三個工作天內完成,詳情請參閱衛生防護中心單張。 - 速遞員上門收貨前會否直接聯絡用戶?
- 誰可使用這服務?
- When will the specimen arrive at the Laboratory Centre and when will testing results be available?
The specimen will arrive at the laboratory centre on the day of collection. Testing results are generally available within three working days. Please refer to the pamphlet provided by the Centre for Health Protection. - Will the courier contact users directly before making a collection at the doorstep?
Service providers will notify users through SMS, phone calls or mobile app push notifications, please contact the service provider for details on relevant operations. (Refer to the table above) - Who can use this service?
It is applicable to asymptomatic inbound travellers arriving from overseas under the Compulsory Quarantine of Persons Arriving at Hong Kong from Foreign Places Regulation (Cap. 599E) enforced by the Department of Health, for details please refer to gov’t website.

The Cyberport Startup Alumni Association (CSAA) was founded in 2013 and consists of start-ups and project members that have graduated from the Cyberport Creative Micro Fund and Cyberport Incubation Programme, to help start-ups build strong networks through industry commercial and exchange events, with an ultimate aim of cultivating start-ups and promoting the development of the I&T ecosystem.

Cyberport’s “Braving the Epidemic” campaign presents all kinds of innovative solutions from Cyberport’s start-ups that are applicable to the fight against COVID-19 to help the public overcome current challenges. These solutions cover areas such as medical, home cleaning, property management, insurance, and education.