【承載奧運精神】數碼港與數碼港創業學會組隊參加乒乓球賽 展現精湛球技
數碼港創業學會隊以精湛球技,最終取得專業組銅牌。這是繼 「香港科技創新界國慶杯羽毛球賽2024」奪冠後,數碼港代表隊伍獲得第二面獎牌。
【Embracing the Olympic Spirit】Cyberport and Cyberport Startup Alumni Association Formed Teams to Demonstrate their Excellent Table Tennis Skills at a Table Tennis Competition
Cyberport Startup Alumni Association, which brings together alumni of the Cyberport Incubation Programme to deepen their understanding of and engagement with Cyberport through exchanges, recently formed two teams with Cyberport staff to participate in the "Hong Kong Technology and Innovation Sector - Table Tennis Competition 2024". The tournament was organised to inherit the Olympic spirit and promote table tennis for goodwill. It also unites the Cyberport community members to create a closer community in Cyberport campus.
CSAA team won the Bronze Medal in the Professional Group of the tournament. This is the second medal won by the Cyberport’s team after "Hong Kong Technology and Innovation Sector – Badminton Competition 2024".
The Cyberport staff and Cyberport Startup Alumni Association representatives demonstrated solidarity during the elimination stage of the tournament and finally achieved such a brilliant result. We look forward to participating in various activities in future to build connections with different stakeholders and communities continuously, promoting the I&T development in Hong Kong.