CSAA as a supporting organization for DaLa Awards 2024.
Are you ready for Hong Kong's first-ever Data Literacy Awards?
The inaugural DaLa Awards 2024 is NOW OPEN for applications! #DaLa co-hosted with #HKSTP, this event recognizes individuals and organizations that have effectively harnessed the business value of data, making significant contributions to data literacy, data culture, and data monetization.
This is a fantastic opportunity to showcase your data excellence and innovative achievements in different categories.
Don’t miss this chance to be part of Hong Kong's data community! Apply now at https://dalahk.org/dala-awards-2024/ and celebrate your data excellence journey!
Award application deadline: From now until September 30, 2024
2024 DaLa Awards Gala Date: November 8, 2024
Award application fee: For each applicant is HK$500.
For the application details, please scan the QR code to the official website or visit https://dalahk.org/dala-awards-2024/ to learn more. Enquiry hotline: +(852) 9089 3629